from the homepage:
...in parental alienation syndrome, the hostility of the alienating
client just never seems to be reasonably linked to the seriousness of the incidents alleged.
The alienating client often relies blithely on his child's professed
refusal to see the other parent as evidence of the inadequacy of the other parent (Goldwater, 1991, p. 125).
The insistence upon the negative aspects of the spouse's character
and behaviour coupled with the inability to see existing or even potential positive traits in the spouse are manifestations
of an alienating attitude.
Such a client appears to objectify his spouse as an evil thing,
no longer a person with at least a few redeeming qualities. There is a loss of the ambivalence which characterizes healthy
human relationships. Indeed, such objectification of the spouse as "all bad" should be taken to be a sign of significant disorder
in the client himself (Goldwater, 1991, pp. 125-126).
Expanding the Parameters of Parental Alienation Syndrome (click the underlined link for the entire article) by Glenn F. Cartwright
Cartwright, Glenn F. (1993). Expanding the parameters of
parental alienation syndrome. American Journal of Family Therapy, 21 (3), 205-215.
The parents of Amy (age 10) and Kevin (age 7) are divorcing
after 13 years of marriage. Their father, by temporary stipulation, has moved from the marital home. He is entitled to visit
with the children on alternating weekends and one evening, during the week. Soon, the children begin to refuse to go with
him. At first, they do not want to leave Mom; they say that they are afraid to go. When Dad comes to the house, Mom tells
him that she\he will "not force the children to go." "Visitation is up to them." and she\he will "not interfere in their decision".
The children refuse to talk with him on the phone. Mom calls him names when he telephones and complains constantly about her
financial situation, blaming him, all within hearing of the children.
Dad attempts to talk with the children about
the situation, then to bribe them with movies, shopping trips, toys. They become more and more sullen with him and resistant
to coming. Anything, routine doctor visits, invitations from a friend, a visit to Aunt Beth, serves as an excuse to avoid
A court appointed guardian ad litem learns from the children that "Dad is abusive and mean to us. " They do
not want to go on visits. However, when asked to give specific examples of how he is abusive, their stories are not convincing,
"He yells too loud when we make noise." "He made me climb all the way to the top of a mountain." "He gets mad at me about
my homework." "He makes me wear my bike helmet." "He pounds the wall to get us up in the morning and it makes me afraid that
he'll hit me." They say that he has never hit them, although they state that they are very afraid that he will.
children are in the process of becoming alienated from their father.
An increasing number of children are experiencing the divorce
of their parents or litigation over their custody some time during their minority. Some children experience the concerted,
albeit often unconscious or unintended, attempt of one parent to alienate them from their other parent.
from the article: Family Wars: The Alienation of Children
by Peggy Ward
Berliner, L & Conte J. R. (1993). "Sex Abuse Evaluations: Conceptual and Empirical
Obstacles," Child Abuse & Neglect, 17m. 111-125.
Gardner, R. A. (1991) "Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited." Cresskill,
NJ: Creative Therapeutics.
Gardner, R. A. (1989) "Differentiating Between Bona Fide and Fabricated Allegations
of Sexual Abuse of Children." Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. 5. 1-25.
Gardner, R. A. (1987). "The Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Differentiation
Between Fabricates and Genuine Child Sex Abuse." Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics.
Moss, D. C. (1988). "Abuse Scale: Point System for Abuse Claims. Journal of the
American Bar Association". 74, 26.
Basic Facts About The Parental Alienation Syndrome Dr. Richard
Gardner 5/2001
a typical divorce?
Dr. Peggy Ward
parental alienation
Dr. Peggy Ward
including the following topics:
the parent evaluation
mild, moderate, overt & severe parental alienation
Provided by Douglas Darnell, Ph.D.
Provided by Douglas Darnell, Ph.D.
PAS Parental Alienation Syndrome

"the children" page
alienation of the child may trigger other forms of mental illness.."
Glenn F. (1993). Expanding the parameters of parental alienation syndrome. American Journal of Family Therapy, 21 (3),
The effects of parental alienation include:
- long-term depression
- inability to function in a normal psycho-social
- ego & identify dysfunction
- despai
- uncontrollable guilt
- isolation
- hostility
- disorganization
- personality "splitting"
- even suicide
Research also shows that adult children
of alienation are prone to:
- alcoholism
- drug abuse
- other symptoms of internal distress
Family Court Reform Council of America
click here to visit the website for the entire article
Parents Who Have Successfully Fought Parental Alienation Syndrome; by Jayne A. Major, Ph.D.
(UCLA) How does the child get involved with PAS? http://www.breakthroughparenting.com Why is PAS a double bind for the child?
Family Wars: The Alienation of Children
Dr. Peggy Ward